
Jade is a breastfed baby!

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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

to stop or not to stop

not Jade but Jade's Mummy said...

"When men share their problems, they want solutions.
When women share their problems, they want empathy."
~ quote from John Gray's "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus" ~

May I add, "and hear the answers she already had in mind."

Recently have thoughts of stopping breastfeeding
because my supply is getting quite low and have to use freezer stock everyday on top of daily produce to meet Jade's daily demand.
Jade also seems not satisfied after her last feed at night and even started waking up at 3am for milk when she had been sleeping thru' the night since 2 or 3 months old.

So I posted this on facebook and got some comments.

It appears most moms think it's ok to stop breastfeeding once baby reached 6 months and some are even happy to stop breastfeeding.

I'm not so sure if I'll be happy if I really have to stop breastfeeding now.
in fact, I think I'll be depressed.

I think it is NOT ok to stop breastfeeding at 6 months because I'm kiasu and kiasi.
Read my 10 kias here.

now I can add a #11 kia:
Kia Jade feels shortchanged or unfair cos 6 months of breastfeeding is not even 20% of what her brother had.

After getting a few responses, I think the answer I want to hear is not that it's ok to stop breastfeeding now but that it's ok to continue breastfeeding and supplement with FM.

Oh well... for now, I'll continue to breastfeed.
Afterall, I have not tried the 101 methods to increase milk supply (will talk about that in another post someday).
Perhaps we've gotta start looking into supplementing with FM though.


  1. before supplement with FM, try fenugreek seed capsule first ya~!

    i have come to another level of boosting the flow: trying More Milk Special Blend
    []. you can find this at Vitakids, B1 United Square.

    keep up the good spirit:).

  2. Hihi,
    Yeah breastfeeding is really a personal choice. I felt a twinge of guilt (well almost for my first born when i stopped breastfeeding)

    My elder son was breastfed till 9 months old. Decided to stop to give myself some slack cos he still refused a bottle and was reluctant to take solids. I was inexperienced that time and didnt express bmilk for him to use bottle till he turned 6 months old.

    For my younger son (abt 10 months old now), I used medela freestyle and gave the excess breastmilk to my elder son everyday for 4 months.

    I started giving my younger son a bottle of formula milk when he turned 5 months old and stopped giving my younger son breastmilk when he turned 9 months old too (though i became a stay at home mum after my maternity leave). This time, becos the younger one had a good appetite for avocadoes, porridge and i wanted to go out more often with my elder son.

    I think the best thing about being a mum a second time is you are more sure about the best choice for yourself based on your lifestyle and preferences. If a mama is happy, the children will too.

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